News & Upcoming Events
Access Instructions for Jan. 28th Broadband Authority Meeting
The public may view or listen to the January 28, 2025 (2:00 PM) meeting of the Lancaster County Broadband Authority from their computer, tablet or smartphone as follows:
To join by computer:
Mobile phone one-tap:
- +13126266799,,82402062314# US (Chicago)
- +19292056099,,82402062314# US (New York)
To join by telephone:
- (301) 715-8592 (Washington DC)
- (312) 626-6799 (Chicago, IL)
- (929) 205-6099 (New York, NY)
Webinar ID: 824 0206 2314
Android and iOS users can access the meeting by downloading the Zoom app and entering the webinar ID.
As an alternative to Zoom webinars, most public meetings can also be viewed live or at any later time on the county's YouTube Channel (live stream is view only - no public participation).