Forms & Publications
Most files listed on this page, with the exception of specialized GIS map layers, can be viewed using software that can be obtained elsewhere on the world wide web at no cost.
Click or tap category heading to view available documents.
Title/Format | Description |
CY 2015 Tax Levy Ordinance |
CY 2016 Tax Levy Ordinance |
CY 2017 Tax Levy Ordinance |
CY 2019 Tax Rate Ordinance |
FY 2009 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2010 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2011 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2011 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2011 which runs from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2012 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2012 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2012 which runs from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2013 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2013 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2013 which runs from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2014 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2014 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2013-2014 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2014 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the first six month of the FY 2013-2014 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2015 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2015 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2015 which runs from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2015 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2014-2015 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2015 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2014-2015 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2016 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2016 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2016 which runs from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2016 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2015-2016 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2016 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2015-2016 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2017 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2017 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2017 which runs from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2017 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2016-2017 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2017 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2016-2017 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2018 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2018 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2018 which runs from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Includes revenue projections and capital improvements budget. |
FY 2019 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2019 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2019 which runs from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2019 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2018-2019 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2019 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2018-2019 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2020 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2020 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2020 which runs from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2020 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2019-2020 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2020 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2019-2020 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2021 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2021 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2021 which runs from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2021 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2020-2021 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2021 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2020-2021 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2022 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2022 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2022 which runs from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2022 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2021-2022 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2022 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2021-2022 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2023 Annual Financial Report |
Annual audit of Lancaster County government activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. Includes detailed financial statements and compliance reports. |
FY 2023 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2023 which runs from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2023 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2022-2023 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2023 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2022-2023 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2024 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2024 which runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2024 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2023-2024 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2024 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2023-2024 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
FY 2025 Approved Budget |
Annual county operating budget for fiscal year 2025 which runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Includes revenue projections. |
FY 2025 Budget Adoption Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors adopting the FY 2024-2025 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of approved budget amounts by department. |
FY 2025 Budget Appropriation Resolution |
Resolution by the Lancaster Board of Supervisors to appropriate the FY 2024-2025 county operating budget. Includes a breakdown of the appropriated amounts by department and terms and conditions applicable to all appropriations. |
Title/Format | Description |
Board of Supervisors Code of Performance |
Board of Supervisors Strategic Plan |
Building and Land Use in Lancaster County - What You Should Know |
Provides information to prospective and current landowners about permits required for building and land use, the process for obtaining those permit and considerations in carrying out the permitted use. |
Chimney and Smoke Alarm Information |
A bulletin from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management covering the subjects of chimney, fireplace and fire safety. |
Deck Construction Guidelines |
A guide designed to assist contractors and homeowners in meeting building code requirements for decks. Based on the 2021 Virginia Residential Code. |
Fire and Drought Information |
A bulletin from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management which contains helpful tips on reducing the risk of drought-related fires and conserving water in and around the home. |
How to Repond to an Anthrax Threat POWERPOINT |
Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan - 2024 Update |
Lancaster County Strategic Plan |
News Release - Yellow Dot Program |
An information bulletin from the Lancaster County Department of Emergency Services introducing the Yellow Dot Program. |
Ordinance for the Creation of a Registry for Short-Term Rental of Property |
Route 3 Northern Neck Corridor Improvement Study |
A report issued by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for the purpose of evaluating the Northern Neck's primary transportation corridor to determine ways to increase efficiency for local, seasonal and freight traffic. |
When is a Building Permit Required? |
A bulletin from the Lancaster County Building Office designed to assist residents in determining when permits are required for various types of construction, remodeling and home repair activities. |
Title/Format | Description |
Agreement In Lieu of Erosion and Sediment Control Plan PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Submit this form in lieu of submitting an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the construction of a single family dwelling. |
Agreement In Lieu of Stormwater Management Plan PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Submit this form in lieu of submitting a Stormwater Management Plan for the construction of a single family detached residential structure. |
Application for Change of Zoning District Classification PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Application for Special Exception PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Application for Zoning Ordinance Variance PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Application to Subdivide Property PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Building Permit Application - Commercial PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
The Commercial Building Permit Application is to be submitted when applying for commercial building permits, including trades. |
Building Permit Application - Demolition PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
The Demolition Permit Application is to be submitted when applying to demolish an existing structure. |
Building Permit Application - Residential PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
The Residential Building Permit Application is to be submitted when applying for residential building permits, including trades. |
Building Permit Supplemental Information Package PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
The Lancaster County building permit supplement. Includes a fee schedule, a list of other documents required to complete the permitting process and information pertaining to inspections. |
EDA Grant Request Criteria |
EDA Grant Request Form |
Erosion and Sediment Control Permit Application PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Application required to obtain a land disturbing permit |
Joint Permit Application Process |
Information on the subject of obtaining permits for certain shoreline or wetlands-related projects that will require approval from state and local government agencies. |
Lancaster County Employment Application PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
Submission of this application is required for all Lancaster County government employment opportunities. |
Statement of Special Inspections |
The Statement of Special Inspections is submitted as a condition for permit issuance in accordance with the Virginia Construction Code (VCC) (Part 1 of the Uniform Statewide Building Code {USBC}). |
Stormwater Managment & BMP Facilities Maintenance Agreement |
Stormwater Managment/BMP Facilities Maintenance Agreement. Includes all terms and conditions. |
Street Address Request Form PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
This form facilitates the establishment of street addresses for newly-constructed buildings in Lancaster County and should be submitted at the beginning of the construction process. |
Water Quality Impact Assessment & Landscape Plan Agreement PDF (FILLABLE FORM) |
This form is designed to aid in the assessment of impacts for proposed activities within Resource Protection Areas (RPA) and to ensure proper replacement and installation of vegetation. |
Title/Format | Description |
Complete Parcel Map Book |
Also known as the tax map, this map set shows the location of land parcels in Lancaster County, including the towns of Irvington, Kilmarnock and White Stone. Updated - January 25, 2023. |
Lancaster County Evacuation Zones Map JPG |
Lancaster County Road Map |
Map of all named public and private roads in Lancaster County including the towns of Irvington, Kilmarnock and White Stone. Includes an alphabetical street index. Updated: 9/5/2024 |
Lancaster County Storm Surge Map PNG |
Maps which indicate the areas of Lancaster County that would most likely flood in the event of a hurricane. The map is color coded according to storm severity with category 1 being the least severe storm and category 5 being the most severe storm. |
Real estate database information including owner name, most recent tax assessment, property description and deed book references. Can be attached to parcel database by joining on the "account" field. Compressed into zip file. |
GIS map layer of land parcels in Lancaster County including the towns of Irvington, Kilmarnock and White Stone. All files compressed into one zip file. |
Road Centerline GIS Data SHAPEFILE (ZIPPED) |
GIS layer includes all public and named private roads and address ranges. Includes the towns of Irvington, Kilmarnock and White Stone. All files compressed into zip file. |
Voting Districts Map |
This map depicts the five election districts in Lancaster County as adopted by the Board of Supervisors on February 24, 2022. Includes roads and a street name index. |