Lancaster 2035

What is Lancaster 2035?

In 2019, a committee was formed by the Board of Supervisors as directed in the County Strategic Plan called the Citizens Business Relations Advisory Committee (CBRAC). One of the responsibilities of the committee was to create a 2035 Strategic Plan.

The committee has been working for over two years reviewing Lancaster  County’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The major threat to our economic and community wellbeing was identified as the declining populations of 20-55 years and children 18 years and under.  These population segments have  declined by over 1000 residents from 2010-2020 or approximately 11% of our population.

What is envisioned by the year 2035?

We envision Lancaster County as a highly desirable and economically successful rural region with all age groups represented, well known for its heritage, the arts, water and nature-based recreation facilities, tourism assets and health care communities. We have a vibrant school system which continually pursues excellence as an attraction for young families. The county is known for its focus on family values, a safe living environment, attractive and affordable living venues. It is business-friendly environment where entrepreneurial incentives perpetuates business retention and job creation. Volunteerism is abundant in all aspects of community life.

Lancaster County, a highly desirable place to live, work and play!

Here is why it matters

As our workforce suffers it has long term impacts on our quality of life:

  • Loss of businesses and trades in the Community
  • Employers not able to maintain convenient hours because of staffing shortages due to decreased demand or inability to recruit employees
  • Increases in the financial burden on health and wellness facilities
  • The aging population places additional demands on county government to provide emergency and other services
  • Higher taxes on the remaining population as the county decreases in number of landholders
  • School system receives less funding from the State Government placing an additional tax burden on residents and the county overall

What are the Solutions?

In order to turn this around we must implement long term strategies that will attract and retain younger people into the community.

These should include:

  • good jobs,
  • affordable housing,
  • a dynamic school system,
  • a business friendly environment supported by our elected officials at all levels,
  • recreational facilities and amenities that are attractive to our target age groups.

Major Strategies Identified

  • Broadband Access to every household by December 2023. For more information, see the work of Broadband Authority
  • Housing available for all
  • Create Business Friendly Environment - through public private partnership and tax incentives
  • Dynamic/innovative School System - with outstanding facilities. See how our current middle school is being transformed into our future elementary school.
  • Age appropriate recreation and lifestyle
  • Public Communications to county residents and officials

Presentations of Lancaster 2035

Lancaster County Strategic Plan

Lancaster County Future Forward Public Education Presentation

Letter to the Community

Who to Contact

Communications: Susan Cockrell

Housing: Ty Brent

Business Friendly Environment: Paul Sciacchitano

Broadband: Don Gill

Recreation: Jason Bellows

Schools: Jessica Davis

Lancaster County Economic Development: TBD