Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Board Meeting Room/Electronic Participation Meeting
Call to order, welcome guests
Presentation of the Minutes for the November 12, 2020 regular meeting of the Planning Commission
Public Hearings - None
Consideration Items
- Comprehensive Plan Chapter Five- Consideration prior to possible February, 2021 P.C. hearing
Discussion Items
- Comprehensive Plan Chapter Six- Edits based on November 12, 2020 review
Other Business
Electronic Participation Access Instructions
The public may view or listen to the February 18, 2021 meeting of the Lancaster County Planning Commission from their computer, tablet or smartphone as follows:
To join by computer: https://zoom.us/j/97555639813
iPhone one-tap :
US: +19292056099,,97555639813# or +13017158592,,97555639813#
To join by telephone:
- (312) 626-6799 (Chicago, IL)
- (929) 205-6099 (New York, NY)
- (301) 715-8592 (Germantown, MD)
Webinar ID: 975 5563 9813
Android and iOS users can access the meeting by downloading the Zoom app and entering the webinar ID.
Instructions for Making Public Comment
Electronic Participation Meetings are conducted in a Zoom webinar format in which the commission members and certain members of County staff ("panelists") may be visible on camera and will be able to speak, while the press corps and members of the general public ("attendees") will be placed in a "view-only/listen-only" participation mode.
When applicable (depending on the type of meeting being conducted), members of the public who wish to state their comments or questions must ask to be recognized by clicking the "Raise Hand" button near the bottom of the Zoom interface window. Telephone callers will be able to raise their hands by pressing *9 on their telephone keypad. Upon being unmuted, citizens should provide their name and district in which they reside and then state their question or comment.
Inappropriate or offensive comments or language will result in immediate dismissal from the meeting.